Non-Executive Directors can really help agencies


The boards of UK companies are populated by 6,000 Non-Executive Directors (NEDs). So, it’s no wonder that many smaller business owners turn to hiring part time senior people who can give independent input at board level.

The input is about how large companies often have independent directors who provide advice at board level. The output challenges this idea by pointing out that smaller businesses also need such individuals to keep up with their goals and objectives. Which may be why many NEDs work part time or on an as needed basis rather than fulltime. It’s difficult financially if one person does everything while managing all aspects involved between production floors/storage facilities etc.

NEDs bring a fresh, objective, and independent perspective that helps companies run more efficiently. They also provide commercial rigor when it comes time for your business’s success!

The skills to operate in an oversupplied market are essential for any agency, whatever its size or output. That’s why it is so important that agencies have the right leadership and provide appropriate challenges with direction from top management as well as mentorship opportunities when key directors need sounding boards on tough issues.

Marginal gains are those small changes, which can have a big impact on your agency’s success. If you want to know where they lie, look no further than the people who will be working for and with you!

The modern-day agency owner is faced with several difficult issues for the first time in their business careers. They may be wondering how to react and what they should do next, as an NED who has been there before them – in more ways than one! My experience as both consultant and mentor give me confidence that I can provide guidance through any stormy seas ahead while still being mindful about maintaining client relationships.

Often described as a helicopter view rather than a ground view, the effects of being able to see the wood for the trees can be significant.

The lack of understanding is not just limited to agencies. Managers and executives may have a misconception about the role an NED could play in their company, with some titles being too misleading as they suggest that these individuals don’t roll up sleeves or get stuck in!

The importance of time cannot be stressed enough in an agency setting. It’s imperative to focus on clearly stated meeting and discussion objectives with clear outcomes so that everything from strategic matters, overall direction wise do not get lost in daily operations issues.

Mentioning this will help ensure companies don’t forget about their long term goals or where they want head next for future plans.

In a world where information is constantly changing, it can be hard for NEDs (non-experts) to keep up with all they need know about digital and social media. However there has been some clarification on this topic as well; leaders within the business say that while these individuals may not have as much experience in certain areas than those at higher levels of leadership do, they still bring valuable insight because everyone brings some unique skillset into any given situation!

Will it really help? I’m bound to say yes, but what I can also say is that I wouldn’t still be doing this if it didn’t really work. It’s a big claim but I believe I’ll help make an agency operate more efficiently and perform better, doing a better job for its clients, and being a better and more successful agency all-round.

And what’s the view from the NED’s perspective? I really love doing this – I’m a long-term digital/consultant/agency careerist and still love it. I can’t think of a more appropriate way to contribute to a profession I’ve enjoyed over 30 years in.

I’m rightly expected to add value, and I do. I see it in the same way as an agency being expected to make its biggest and deepest contribution to a client – that challenge spurs me on.

I like to inspire and help the agency do what it does best, so everyone wins.


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